Friday, June 25, 2010

Hypocrisy Runs Rampant

Hypocrisy is one of the few things I truly hate with extreme passion in this world, along with being interrupted, Embarq (or whatever their name may be now), angst, annoying children, and Nintendo. Just in case you may not know what hypocrisy means, allow to explain!

Hypocrisy: a pretense of having a cirtuous character, mor or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really posses. -

Now, there's one particular form of hypocrisy that really brings my blood to a boil: Religious hypocrisy. Believe me, everyone just loooves religious hypocrisy, whether they know they are going or not. In most cases I can imagine they aren't, because they're that dense.

Religious hypocrisy is super-duper easy to go along with. For example, you could be a Christian, go to church every Sunday (and Wednesday too, if you're that into it) and vow to your God that you will obey the Ten Commandments with all your heart, never stray from the path. Then, go ahead and break commandment three (thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain) and shout GOOODAMMIT when you get home and step in a nice, warm, juicy pile of shit your dog decided to leave in front of your bathroom door.

See? Easy! Of course, there's much more than disobeying the Ten Commandments you can do to be hypocritical religiously. You could label yourself as a Christian, then go have sex with everyone at school before marriage. I mean, correct if I'm wrong (I'm not), but I'm pretty damn sure The Holy Bible says you're supposed to wait until you put that ring on your left ring finger before you get to making annoying children, my 5th worst enemy.

Honestly, I see this shit all the damn time. Some people even say that oral sex isn't sex at all, so you can get to blowin' all you please before marriage, and no strikes against you. Are you that damn stupid? Honestly? If you're that damn desperate to find a way around have sex before marriage, and you're a Christian, or Catholic, or whatever the hell else, just drop your religion now and spare me the trouble of listening to you whine about your sex drives that you just cannot control. Don't bother going to church either, because it doesn't work that way. Your pastor cannot cure you of your sins every Sunday morning, and won't just because you can't find a way to keep your dick in your pants.

I do like it when a person, more particularly a girl who is also a Christian, tells me at school (in the morning when I want to stab everyone who talks to me, because I'm still so damn tires) that I need to, "Lighten up, have fun, be free, and just enjoy life because this is the only one you have." Oh, it makes me giggle sooo much on the inside. In fact, that lightens up my day, especially if I manage to slip up and laugh out loud. Then I get to listen to some tell me, for the one-hundred billionth time that my laugh is evil or some shit.

I know a man, lets call him Preacha Man for shits'n'giggles, who once told me, "Only about 1 in 100 Christians actually follow the faith as it should be followed." It was either 1 in 100 or tack another 0 on the end of there. Funny thing is, I'd have to disagree and add yet another 0 onto the end of that number.

One last thing. For anyone who knows that I'm talking about them (except Preacha Man), do not ever preach to me about the religion you yourself cannot even practice. If you do, I will, forcefully if necessary, list off your daily sins in front of everyone around us, explain to you how hypocritical you are and do it by shouting in your ugly face you whore.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Degeneration of Literacy

Literacy: the quality or state of being literate, esp. the ability to read and write. -

Up until the late 1800s, many people could not read or right unless they were wealthy enough for afford an education for their children and/or themselves. It was a luxury, and it would appear as though the same situation is close at hand. Many teenagers, and even adults, have trouble reading and writing. How is that even possible given our education standards today?

When public schools began to pop up all over, here and there, everywhere, children almost couldn't get enough of it. Getting an education is something everyone wanted to get so that they could get a better job than a factory worker who may have a chance of getting their limbs cut off by they big-ass machine.

However, nowadays children and teenagers alike are more reluctant to accept a proper education and actually learn how to spell words that consists of more than four letters, because, hey, when are they going to use this in their lives, right? You couldn't imagine how many times I've heard bullshit like that from going to elementary, junior high, and halfway through high-school. I heard this in geometry class when learning about how tangents. A classmate, let's call him Rumpelstiltskin, asked my geometry teacher, Mr. Pattywhackgiveadogabone, "Uh, Mr. Pattywhackgiveadogabone, when am I ever going to use this in my life?" Mr. Pattywhackgiveadogabone gave Rumpelstiltskin a sort of tired look and said, "Look, I can't guarantee that you'll ever use this in your daily life. Someone like you probably won't. But if you're not going to learn it for the big and bad outside world, then at least learn it so that you can pass my test."

My teacher gives a good point. You're not going to use everything you learn in school outside of it, however, why not pay attention so that you can at least graduate without all D's and not be asking customers, "Would you like a brink with your dig mac?"

The actual topic is literacy. While I myself am not a literate god, I do consider myself pretty damn good with the subject. However, most teenagers anymore could care less which version of 'there' they're using. Most can't tell the difference between there, they're and their because they never pay attention in class long enough to learn that an apostrophe actually matters. I also like it when kids complain and say, "Well I don't learn anything in Mr. Fittlesticks class because he doesn't teach well." I don't care if the teacher bores you to death (though I would prefer that), it's your job as a student to pay attention to Mr. Fittlesticks and shut the hell up.

I also have to take into account texting and instant messaging. More than half the texts you'll ever receive, or all of them if you and your friends are complete morons, will look like this:
BarberJoe: hey man wats going on
Lemsworth: nm hey wat u doing 2day after scool
BarberJoe: i mite go se that new movie trnsfermers 2 u can cum if u want
Lemsworth: lol you sed cum
BarberJoe: dud shutup your gay

If you get people texting like this all the time, you're (that's you're, not your, dumbass) bound to get people to fuck up when they actually have to write a paper report on how the local propane shop is going to explode if they keep leaving dem der tanks settin out in da sun.